Powerful Documentary Film Exposes “Houston’s Dirty Little Secret” and Calls for Positive Change

RouTTe One Productions, a non-profit production company co-founded by animal crusaders and philanthropists Tama Lundquist and Tena Lundquist Faust, is introducing its first international documentary screening, For the AnimalsThis screening will be held on Thursday, Oct. 26, at 6:30 p.m. GMT at The Curzon Cinema in London, UK. With the support of Lady Penny Mountbatten and Rachelle Rowe, this film is set to drive international attention to the important topic of animal welfare and raise funds to fight against animal cruelty and neglect.

In the first 30 days, For the Animals was viewed in 28 countries, and as of October 1, 2023, the film has been viewed in 58 countries. This 73-minute film tells the story of Tama and Tena, identical twin sisters who bravely combat the abuse and neglect of companion animals that are discarded in the greater Houston area and countless other communities around the world. Tama and Tena’s efforts go beyond rescuing these animals, as they relentlessly develop strategies to create long-term solutions to heal the systemic issue of animal homelessness. This issue of animal overpopulation is referred to by these crusaders as “Houston’s dirty little secret.” The film is a gripping tale of compassion and collaboration and urges viewers to act, both as individuals and entire communities, to work together towards meaningful change.

Houston, Texas, has one of highest population of homeless, discarded, and neglected animals out of any other metropolitan area in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

RouTTe One Productions, established in 2022 with the mission of producing transformative films, strives to foster compassion, understanding, and shared responsibility through powerful storytelling. Its mission is to educate, inspire, and empower individuals to come together and shape a more humane society. 

Regarding the London screening, Lady Penny commented, “I met Tena and Tama in Houston a few months ago and learned about their exhaustive efforts to reduce the suffering of bewildered animals on the streets. I felt compelled to support their endeavors and to host a private screening of their insightful and moving documentary For the Animals. The documentary highlights the plight of street animals and aims to build awareness and help drive solutions for as many animals as possible.”

Lady Penny Mountbatten is a British businesswoman, philanthropist, and enthusiastic supporter of the World Wildlife Fund.

“I grew up on a private wildlife park as my stepfather, Tim Walker, had a varied collection of rare breeds of animals. He was Chairman of the Worldwide Fund for Nature and President of the Fauna & Flora Association,” added Lady Penny. “So as a small child, I developed loving relationships with many wild animals, alongside my pony and the six dogs who shared our home. Animals obviously don’t have a voice, so it is our responsibility to ensure their needs are met.”

“I am so proud of my friends Tama and Tena for bringing awareness to this important public health and safety issue in Houston and across the pond,” commented Rowe. “This a global crisis and London is struggling – there are so many homeless cats and dogs that have been dumped and discarded on the streets. These animals spread diseases, cause human-animal conflicts and economic burdens. The strays also experience health and welfare problems themselves and they desperately need our help.”

Rowe is a Houston-based public relations consultant and business development professional with over 15 years of experience marketing record-breaking entertainment events, non-profit initiatives, and small businesses. She has worked with many non-profits such as The Princess Diana Foundation, Houston Children’s Charity, and National and International Museums.

Lundquist and Lundquist Faust are appreciative of the willingness that Lady Penny and Rowe have shown in advocating for animals and their well-being, which fuels their motivation for continuing this important work.

Lundquist added, “From the very beginning, our mission with producing For the Animals has been to shed a bright light on the dark challenges that thousands of dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens endure in the greater Houston area and to inspire positive change for them. Seeing your enthusiasm and dedication to this cause reaffirms our belief in the power of unity and the opportunity for essential transformation to a better experience for all companion animals everywhere.”

Lundquist Faust noted, “We are deeply touched by all the expressions of compassion for abused, neglected, and abandoned companion animals and by the willingness of individuals to play a part in making their world a better place. We are often asked: What’s next? What can we do to help?”

The first step is to raise awareness about the magnitude of the animal overpopulation, abuse, neglect, and abandonment problem around the world. One of the many actions crusaders for the animals can take is to host a screening of the film l in a home, workplace, or community venue – and encourage others to host a private or public screening.

To watch the official trailer of For the Animals

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