Pit Bulls: The Misunderstood Breed

Pit Bulls, often misunderstood due to misconceptions and stereotypes, are actually a group of dog breeds that include the American Pit Bull terrier, American bulldog, American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, and the English bull terrier. Additionally, mixed-breed dogs with similar characteristics are also labelled as Pit Bulls. Unfortunately, Pit Bulls have gained a bad reputation over time due to being overbred, trained for protection, or even used in dog fighting. However, it’s essential to understand that a dog’s behaviour is shaped by how they are raised, and Pit Bulls can be loving, docile, and well-trained companions, just like any other breed.

To shed some light on the true nature of Pit Bulls, let’s explore some interesting facts about them:

  1. Famous Owners: President Teddy Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson owned Pit Bull terriers, proving that Pit Bulls have been beloved companions of notable historical figures.
  2. War Heroes: Pit Bulls have served as wartime soldiers and mascots. For example, Stubby, a Pit Bull terrier, served in France during World War I for 18 months and earned the rank of Sergeant for his bravery, including saving his regiment from mustard gas attacks.
  3. Pop Culture Icons: Pit Bulls have been featured in popular culture as mascots and companions. The RCA dog named Nipper, the Buster Brown shoe mascot, and Petey, the canine companion of the Little Rascals, were all Pit Bulls.
  4. Athletic Abilities: Pit Bulls have an athletic build and are known for their agility, which allows them to excel in activities such as climbing fences.
  5. Musical Talents: Pit Bulls can even be musically inclined. Caninus, a grindcore band, had two Pit Bull lead singers who barked their lyrics.
  6. Nanny Dogs: In the past, Pit Bulls were considered trustworthy enough to be called “nurse maids” or “nanny dogs” and were known for their gentle and protective nature towards children.
  7. Physical Traits: Many Pit Bull puppies are born with a wrinkled forehead, which they outgrow as they age, adding to their unique appearance.
  8. Bite Force Myth: Contrary to popular belief, a study conducted by National Geographic in 2008 showed that the bite force of Pit Bulls ranked last among three popular dog breeds, behind German Shepherds and Rottweilers. The myth of Pit Bulls having “lock jaws” is not supported by scientific evidence.
  9. Temperament Test Results: According to the American Temperament Test Society, Pit Bulls pass their temperament test, conducted by a trained handler, 87% of the time. This ranks them as the 4th best out of 122 breeds tested, proving they are affectionate and less aggressive than commonly believed.
  10. Rehabilitation Success: Despite their unfortunate involvement in dog fighting, many Pit Bulls have been successfully rehabilitated and found loving homes. For example, out of the 51 Pit Bulls owned by Michael Vick during his arrest for dog fighting, 30 have been re-trained and placed in loving homes, and four have become therapy dogs.
  11. Popularity Ranking: VetStreet.com has ranked the American Pit Bull terrier as one of the top three favorite dog breeds in 28 U.S. states, showcasing their popularity among dog lovers.
  12. Euthanasia Rate: However, it is disheartening to note that Pit Bulls are the most euthanized breed in the United States, which is a concerning issue that needs attention and education to change this statistic.

In conclusion, Pit Bulls are a group of dog breeds that have been widely misunderstood due to misconceptions and stereotypes. Despite their bad reputation, Pit Bulls have a rich history and possess many positive traits. They have been beloved companions of historical figures, served as war heroes, been featured in popular culture, and excel in various physical and mental activities. Contrary to popular belief, scientific studies have debunked the myth of their bite force and aggressive nature. Pit Bulls have also shown high success rates in rehabilitation and have been placed in loving homes, proving that they can be well-behaved and loving companions with proper training and care.